Updates: 1/24/23 – 2023 Budget and 2020/2021 Form 990’s uploaded
1/31/23 – Added January 30 Board Meeting Book
NOTICE: There will be a 5% across the board electric rate increase starting April 2023… To look at the effect on your bill, go to the Rate Calculator. To read more about the increase, go to April 2023 Rate Increase Info
This is a website that will house public documents, notes, blog, and tools that relate to our electrical energy supplier in the Methow Valley… the Okanogan County Electric Cooperative… OCEC
If you are looking for the Methow Valley Pasayten Bulletin Board (All subjects and free voices allowed!)…
go to https://pasayten.com/bb/index.php
Some general stats for OCEC in 2021…
Purchased Power 70,998 MWH
Operating Revenues $6,356,483
Cost Of Purchased Power $3,026,755
Total services in place… 4018
Miles Of Energized Distribution Lines… 175 Overhead, 201 Underground
This is just the start… Feel free to browse around…
Ray Peterson
Energy Saving Tips…
This purpose of this section is to provide information relating to saving residential energy use and demand. Of specific interest will be the lowering of peak electrical demand for those served in the Methow Valley by the Okanogan Electrcic Coop.
U.S. Gov Energy Saving Tips Site
Together We Save by Touchstone Energy Cooperatives
Some Links of Interest For Pacific NW Electrical Energy…
Okanogan County Electric Coop
PNGC Power (OCEC is a member and purchase our power from them)
Bonneville Power
Washington Rural Electric Cooperative Association
Washington PUD Association
Okanogan County PUD
Chelan County PUD
Snohomish County PUD
Ferry County PUD
Benton R.E.A.
Orcas Power & Light Coop
Oregon Trail Electrical Coop
Western Oregon Electric Coop
Glacier Electric Coop (Montana)