Ray Peterson (Template Only – Not A Candidate)


I am 69 y/o and was raised in the Seattle and Monroe Washington areas.
I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Washington in 1971.
I worked for 34 years as an environmental scientist for the U.S. EPA in Seattle.  Many years of experience in the development of data analysis tools, mathematical modeling, and internet web applications, including those involved in public outreach, education, and conservation in the environmental and electrical energy fields.
Good working knowledge in the field of business accounting.  Hands on experience by helping my family run a plumbing and heating mechanical contracting corporation with 25 employees.  In later years by providing computer consulting services in the setup and implementation of professional accounting software for small businesses.
Good working knowledge of residential electrical wiring including the incoming meter base, service, and the electrical panel, including circuit breaker and wire sizing, and wiring to all lighting, receptacles, and appliances.
I started visiting the Methow Valley in the 70’s.  My main activities were riding my horses in the Sawtooth and Pasayten Wildernesses.  I fell in love with the Valley and bought land here in the 80’s.  I retired and moved to the Valley with my wife Avis in 2006 building a house on the East Chewuch Rd.
I am also a small irrigation member of the OCEC irrigating 10 acres with a wheel line.
I have served on the OCEC Board of Directors including both the Finance and Audit Committees for the last 4 years.


As a director, what agendas/missions/goals will you promote with your Board work as to where the OCEC should focus their efforts?

Provide a reliable system of energy and services
Reasonable and fair rates amongst all members and member classes
Investigate all alternatives for cost savings of budget items, debt service, and long term costs
Strong budget tracking and oversight
Sound business and environmental practices
Open ear to our membership for both their needs and desires
Continue to improve OCEC’s openness, communication, and outreach to its members

The OCEC power supply contract with BPA will come up for renewal in 2028… What are your thoughts for where/how OCEC should get its power in the future? Mixed power sources or clean sources only?

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Should OCEC investigate a rate plan to lower peaks demands? For example, demand based or time of use rate structures?

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The OCEC currently does not have an electric car policy/plan, but has a committee and will be considering one. What are you thoughts on this? Should OCEC have a special rate class for electric car charging stations? Should OCEC subsidize the cost or provide public charging stations?


Should OCEC investigate combining with the Okanogan PUD to consolidate resources and provide cheaper power to its members?


Should OCEC become involved in the development of broadband internet for its service area? And how?


The OCEC has a propane subsidiary. How do you feel about this given the movement in the state and some in the valley to reduce carbon?
